If you have to record one off charges for a project you don't have to create invoices. Project Charges are a quick and easy way to record one off charges that aren't for a supplier, such as time sheets for contractors.
You can also use Project Charges to enter costs that don't affect your accounts or stock, such as costs involving non-stock or service items. Alternatively, you can use Project Charges to record adjustments or corrections to other costs for the project.
Project Charges appear on the project activity as CD transactions, and don't update your financial audit trail or stock history.
Project Ref | From the drop-down list, choose the required project. |
Date | Enter the date of the charge. |
Reference | Enter up to a 30 character reference for the charge. |
Details | Enter up to a 60 character detail for the charge. |
Resource | To automatically enter the quantity and rate from the drop-down list, choose a resource. Find out more about resources |
Cost Code | From the drop-down list, choose the required cost code. Find out more about cost codes |
Quantity | Enter the required quantity. |
Rate | Enter the required rate. |
Total Cost | Automatically calculates by multiplying the quantity and rate. |